Im Never Washing This Flipper Again


Bubble Buddy

Typed Past: ssj4gogita4

Narrator: Every day is a vacation for SpongeBob, even if he has to make ane up.
SpongeBob: (jumps out of bed) Hey everybody! It'southward Leif Ericcson Twenty-four hour period! Hinga-dinga-durgin! (pretends his bed is a boat and rows out of his pineapple over to Patrick'southward stone) Ahoy, Patrick! It's Leif Ericcson Day! (knocks on Patrick's rock. It opens to show a giant piece of paper taped to information technology) There's a note.
Patrick: (as notation) SpongeBob, went to get more behemothic paper. Uhhhh...Patrick. P.Due south. Happy Leif Ericcson Day! Yingin-hinga-dinga!
SpongeBob: Aww... so much for that. (throws his costume away) Maybe Sandy volition play with me. (scene cuts to SpongeBob walking up to Sandy'southward treedome. Notices a notation on the door) Another note.
Sandy: (as note) SpongeBob, went south for the winter. Love, Sandy.
SpongeBob: I don't get information technology. The water'southward fine. (scene shows the treedome is snowing within. Scene cuts to SpongeBob going up to Squidward front door) Hey Squidward! Want to play? (notices a notation taped to the door)
Squidward: (equally notation) No.
SpongeBob: Are you certain? (rips off the note to find another note)
Squidward: (as note) Yes.
SpongeBob: Darn. I wish I had a buddy to play with. I know! I'll make one! (scene cuts to SpongeBob holding a stick) Stick buddy! (lets go of the stick which falls to the basis) Nah. (scene cuts to SpongeBob continuing next to a pile of rocks) Rock buddy! Nope. (scene cuts to SpongeBob standing adjacent to a sink) Sink buddy! Almost. (scene cuts to SpongeBob once again) I've got it! (dips his chimera wand into bubble lather and blows a human shape-like bubble) Bubble buddy! (scene cuts to SpongeBob and his bubble pal on the meet-saw)! (scene cuts to SpongeBob going upward to the Krusty Krab with his bubble) I can't await for yous to meet Squidward and Mr. Krabs. (SpongeBob walks in the Krusty Krab but his bubble only floats at the door) Don't exist shy, come on! (SpongeBob squeezes the bubble through the doors)
Squidward: Please come again. (client walks off) When I'm not working.
SpongeBob: Hi, Squidward!
Squidward: How am I supposed to enjoy your mean solar day off if y'all come in to piece of work anyway?
SpongeBob: I want you to meet my new friend, Bubble Buddy! (Squidward looks at it and sees his reflection)
Squidward: This bubble is your friend? (giggles) Well, he's handsome, I'll give him that. (laughs then takes out a notepad) What'll it be?
SpongeBob: Oh, I'g non hungry.
Squidward: Well, thanks for stopping by. (starts to walk off)
SpongeBob: Wait! You oasis't taken Bubble Buddy's gild yet!
Squidward: Why would I do that?
SpongeBob: He's hungry.
Squidward: He'south an inanimate object, his money'southward no good here! (Mr Krabs pops out of the cash register drawer)
Mr. Krabs: What are y'all maxim, Mr. Squidward? Anybody'south coin is adept hither. (scene cuts to a homo with a prison uniform attached to a ball & chain eating a Krabby Patty at a table) At the Krusty Krab, nosotros serves all kinds.
Squidward: I'm not taking an gild for a bubble.
Mr. Krabs: Sure you are! Or I'll fill your life with misery and woe. )goes dorsum into the cash annals then peeks his head out once again) Fifty-fifty if you lot quit. (goes back into the greenbacks register)
Squidward: May I take your club?
SpongeBob: Await, Bubble Buddy. Let me make up one's mind for you. (reads the carte du jour) Hmmm. Krabby Patty, Double Patty Patty, Krabby Junior Inferior, Jumbo Small Patty, Junior Senior Sophomore Patty, Quarter Ouncer Double Pounder...ohh, it's all then skilful! He'll just have one of everything. (Mr. Krabs explodes through the cash annals)
Mr. Krabs: One of everything?! Whoopee! (applies a tattoo on himself that has a heart and the words "Bubble Buddy" through it) I dearest Chimera Buddy! Squidward, testify our best client to his table. (points his optics to a tabular array in the opposite direction)
SpongeBob: Bubble Buddy's thirsty.
Squidward: How well-nigh a glass of our finest shampoo? (laughs)
SpongeBob: Sounds great! (Squidward walks off and returns with a shampoo canteen with a harbinger in information technology)
Squidward: Here's your hair-care product, sir.
SpongeBob: Uhh, Chimera Buddy likes bendy straws. (Squidward bends the straw) Huh, what'southward that? Bubble Buddy says it tastes funny. What exercise you lot think?
Squidward: Mr. Krabs! (scene cuts to showing Mr. Krabs chewing patty meat for a client and spitting it back on their plate)
Mr. Krabs: Call back of the customer. (Squidward drinks a sample of the shampoo)
Squidward: Oh, featherbrained me-- I got the diet shampoo. (Squidward comes out later with a cart of krabby patties) Here we go, one of everything for Bubble Buddy. (puts a krabby patty on Bubble Buddy's plate. SpongeBob gasps)
SpongeBob: Oh no, Squidward, wait! There's cheese on these patties!
Squidward: And?
SpongeBob: Bubble Buddy'southward lactose-intolerant, he can't consume cheese! What should we do?
Squidward: Nosotros? How virtually you take these patties and sho...
Mr. Krabs: Mr. Squidward! (walks off with the cart)
SpongeBob: Don't worry, Bubble Buddy. Squidward will brand a fresh batch. (Squidward comes back with a new cart and puts a new patty on Bubble Buddy's plate)
Squidward: What, is he allergic to bread, too?
SpongeBob: Really he doesn't like the crust. (scene cuts to Squidward cutting off the bread crusts) And Squidward, the ketchup should be under the patty. (scene cuts to Squidward squirting ketchup on the patties) And Squidward, the pickles should be on the left side. And Squidward, you should... And Squidward... And Squidward... And Squidward... And Squidward... (Squidward goes through many steps to get the order right. He finally brings a plate of patties to Bubble Buddy)
Squidward: Hither, one of everything! No cheese, no chaff, pickles to the left, four squirts of ketchup, wheat buns, non-dairy lettuce, and farm-raised tomatoes funfair-style! (sets a burger ferris cycle on the table) And if there's anything else I can do, please hesitate to ask. (scene cuts to SpongeBob and Bubble Buddy walking out of the Krusty Krab)
SpongeBob: That was delicious! Money'due south on the tabular array, Mr. Krabs! (Mr Krabs waves)
Mr. Krabs: So long, boys! You see Squidward, the restaurant game is all about service. The customer is always correct. Call back that, lad, and you'll exist equally successful as me i twenty-four hours.
Squidward: Oh, yous're right, Mr. Krabs. I learned my lesson. And by the mode, Bubble Buddy picked up the tab. (hands Mr. Krabs a $100 bill made of bubbles)
Mr. Krabs: What'south this?
Squidward: Bubble money. ($100 bill pops. Squidward shows his mitt full of chimera change) At least he left a tip! (all the bubbles pop every bit Mr. Krabs and Squidward get angry. Scene cuts to Goo Lagoon)
SpongeBob: Here we are buddy, Goo Lagoon. At that place are lots of means to have fun here. (Scooter runs upwards to SpongeBob)
Scooter: Dudes, bury me! (laughs)
SpongeBob: See what I mean? (scene cuts to SpongeBob burial Scooter in sand) All done.
Scooter: All right!
SpongeBob: Chimera Buddy, y'all dig him out while I get united states of america some cotton candy. (walks off as the tide gets closer effectually Scooter)
Scooter: Don't but stand there dude, the tide's coming in. (laughs) Dude? (scene cuts to SpongeBob putting Bubble Buddy in a port-o-potty as two other guys walk up)
SpongeBob: My friend's in there.
Fish: Congratulations. (scene cuts to a bunch of strong fish dancing to some music. SpongeBob walks up and starts dancing)
SpongeBob: Woo! Shake it! Milk shake it! Yep! Shake that bubble butt! Yes! (everyone stops dancing and looks at their butts so walk off mumbling. Scene cuts back to the port-o-potty where the guy behind SpongeBob checks his sentry. Scene cuts to a big fish driving a gunkhole and Pearl and her friends run upward to him)
Pearl: It's the earth-famous surfer, Grubby Grouper!
Grubby: After, groupies! (shakes Pearl's hand) Grubby's got to become grab some gnarly pounders. Ahoo!! (drives off)
Pearl: (looks at her fin which is dirty at present) Oh, I'll never wash this flipper again. (SpongeBob walks up with Bubble Buddy)
SpongeBob: Hey Pearl! Shake hands with Chimera Buddy! (Bubble Buddy shakes Pearls hand which is now clean. She cries. Scene cuts to the port-o-potty) It's his first time on his own.
Fish: Once again, congratulations. (later, the line is longer. Picture scrolls over to where nosotros see a sign that reads '45 minutes from this point') Ii hours is long enough! That's it! (opens the port-o-potty door to see a bubble)
SpongeBob: Hey Bubble Buddy, you're finished! (takes Bubble Buddy away)
Fish: He kept up waiting for a bubble?
Larry: That's nothing! (Larry is with the grouping of people who were dancing earlier) He called u.s.a. fat! (group eats celery sticks)
Pearl: (crying as she shows her make clean flipper) He washed my flipper!
Mr. Krabs: He owes me money!
Squidward: He made me provide splendid service!
Scooter: (appears with a halo and affections clothing on) Dudes! He made me experience high tide! (floats upwards towards the surface)
Fred: He poisoned our h2o supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague upon our houses!
Protesters: He did?
Fred: No, but are nosotros just going to wait around until he does?
Mr. Krabs: I say we tip something over! (anybody pushes the lifeguard stand up over)
Protester: Now what?
Protesters: Become the lifeguard! (Squidward stops them)
Squidward: Await! Don't waste material this senseless violence on him! It'south that stupid bubble of SpongeBob'southward that's causing all the problems! (takes out a button pivot) Who'south with me!
Protesters: Popular the bubble! (anybody else takes out a sewing pin. The grouping walks up to SpongeBob and Bubble Buddy relaxing on the beach)
SpongeBob: Hey everyone! Have y'all met my friend, Bubble Buddy?
Protesters: Yep... (show their sewing pins)
SpongeBob: Hey, is this one of those sewing circles?
Protesters: No... (grouping steps in closer)
SpongeBob: Would y'all mind not getting and so close with those pins? Pointy objects brand Bubble Buddy uncomfortable.
Larry: SpongeBob, that bubble'due south got to become.
SpongeBob: Oh no, he already took care of that, merely thanks for your business organization.
Pearl: No. "Go" as in… (she blows a chimera from her gum and pops information technology. Sponge screams and grabs the bubble)
SpongeBob: Why?
Mr. Krabs: You and that bubble accept been nothing but trouble! It's fourth dimension to finish it!
SpongeBob: No! I won't let y'all! (blows in Bubble Buddy to make him bigger and floats into the air) Here we get! You'll never catch us now! Never! Ha! Never! (both beginning to get lower to the basis and the group surrounds them both again) Never...
Squidward: Enough body of water-horsing around, SpongeBob! Requite united states that bubble!
Protesters: Popular the bubble! Pop the bubble! Popular the chimera!
SpongeBob: No! You tin can't! He's non simply a bubble, he's a Bubble Buddy! He's my friend and I dear him! (hugs Bubble Buddy) Haven't you e'er had a very special friend? (tears upwardly. Mr. Krabs takes out a nickel)
Mr. Krabs: Nickel Buddy, I'll never spend you!
Fish #2: Funny Muffler.
Larry: Jerky Pal.
Fish #three: Boo-Boo keys.
Fish #four: Snake Eyes.
Both: We honey y'all! cry
SpongeBob: So, what practice you say?
Protesters: chanting Popular the bubble! Popular the bubble! Pop the bubble! (they pick up SpongeBob and throw him abroad from the group)
Squidward: Let's get this over with and then I tin can go home and play my clarinet!
SpongeBob: (slow-motion) Noo... (in slow-motion, Squidward pushes the pivot forward towards Bubble Buddy while SpongeBob is even so maxim 'no', also in dull motion. Then Bubble Buddy stops Squidward from popping him by grabbing his arm)
Chimera Buddy: Whoa! (all gasp) Hey, don't I get a say in this? (walks up to SpongeBob) I'll see yous later, SpongeBob. Things are getting a little weird effectually here. (puts on his bubble hat and a bubble suitcase appears in his hand. Just then a chimera taxi takes him away into the heaven)
SpongeBob: So long.
Chimera Buddy: Happy Leif Ericsson Day!
Squidward: He's live...
SpongeBob: Of course! Otherwise he couldn't tell such funny jokes! (laughs every bit everyone walks off muttering) Seems like only this morning that I held his bottle. (sniffles) They blow up then fast. (cries and runs off. A bunch of bubbles popular past Squidward except for i)
Squidward: Ah...hello?


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