Underground Forums Mixed Martial Arts Percentage of Elite Russian Mma Fighters Increasing

MMA: 25 of the Biggest Disgraces in MMA History

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    The sport of mixed martial arts has grown by leaps and premises since the UFC started a martial arts revolution in 1993, but the process hasn't been glorious.

    In fact, there were many moments along the manner that totally embarrassed the sport and could have caused it long term damage. There were also moments that, while not egregiously disgraceful, were plenty to warrant millions of "facepalms."

    What were these moments and why were they and so bad? Read and discover out!

Oleg Taktarov vs. Anthony Macias

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    UFC 6's fight between Oleg Taktarov vs. Anthony Macias has fallen off the radar of MMA fans because information technology was brusk and sweetness; it ended past guillotine choke submission only nine seconds in!

    Why then is it a disgrace for MMA?

    Of all the fights in the early on UFC, information technology'south the most likely candidate for a fixed fight. The truth is that both men had the same director, Buddy Albin, and Albin elected to stand in Taktarov's corner.

    Combine that with the fact that Macias was a Muay Thai fighter who all of a sudden abased his discipline against the Russian and easily gave him his neck on a double leg. Even the announcers at the event were calling out how shady it was!

The Detroit Trip the light fantastic

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    UFC 9's main event is infamous in MMA because of the sheer boredom of it.

    There was a rule enforced by uptight politicians banning close-fisted strikes to the head under hurting of arrest.

    While the UFC and referee John McCarthy looked the other way when infractions were made in the undercard, Shamrock and Severn didn't take whatever risks, and the fight was xx minutes of circling. The fight, which was one of the about anticipated of the time, was therefore dubbed "The Detroit Dance."

    It was a disgrace because information technology fabricated the early UFC look terrible and angered many, many fans.

WWE Brawl for All

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    WWE (although they were the WWF at the time) Brawl for All. Just the mention of it will make the blood of a professional wrestling fan blench. It should practice the same for any MMA fan equally well.

    WWE Ball for All was their attempt at bringing MMA into the squared circle. And so, how well did it compare to existent MMA? Sentry the video and find out.

    Even worse, the reputation of UFC bully Dan Severn was soiled having been in this joke of a "tournament."

    With such an atrocious display of fighting, it is no doubt that the starting time of Brawl for All was a date in which legitimate MMA fans were crying; it was a huge disgrace to the sport!

Kevin Randleman Knocks Himself out

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    By the time UFC 24 came along, Kevin Randleman had recently been crowned UFC heavyweight champion and was scheduled to make his first defence force confronting Brazilian standout Pedro "The Stone" Rizzo. Hence the outcome'south rather unimaginative title, UFC 24: First Defence.

    As fate would have information technology, the two fighters would not come across at UFC 24. While Randleman was backstage, he slipped and fell on the concrete and was completely knocked out and therefore unable to fight. When yous knock yourself out, it'southward pretty disgraceful.

Yamma Pit Fighting

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    Bob Meyrowitz, the possessor of the UFC before it was sold to Zuffa, decided to venture dorsum into the MMA business later on the Zuffa buy. Unfortunately for the MMA earth, the product of this was Yamma Pit Fighting.

    The master advertising gimmick employed by Yamma was their "revolutionary" cage, which was circular and had slanted edges—supposedly to prevent "lay and pray" and brand the fights more exciting. Yamma also returned to the tournament structure.

    The card was boring, since it was packed with heavyweight wrestlers with poor conditioning equally well as 2 "masters super fights" in which fighters who had non been relevant in well-nigh a decade were marketed as though they were yet stars.

    Even worse, some of the announce squad was kept from the original UFC days.

    All of this helped to make Yamma Pit Fighting a blemish on the face of the sport that, thankfully, only lasted one outcome.

Tim Sylvia Loses to Ray Mercer

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    Battle has been the subject area of harsh criticism from MMA fans since the days of Art Jimmerson's lone boxing glove. Withal, on June 13th 2009, battle had its revenge.

    It took only ix seconds for a sometime battle champion Ray Mercer to knock out former UFC champion Tim Sylvia in what was (and perhaps still is) the most humiliating and disgraceful moment for the sport of mixed martial arts.

Ken Shamrock Gets Destroyed by Robert "Buzz" Berry

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    Ken Shamrock was one of the commencement superstars in the UFC and was a fable in his fourth dimension. Sadly, Shamrock stayed in the cage for far likewise long and damaged not only his legacy only likely his body too.

    His fight against England's Robert "Fizz" Berry was supposed to exist a block walk for him; Berry was a can who was only 11-7.

    Much to everyone's surprise, Berry knocked Shamrock out in the second round in a fight that signaled that the once groovy fighter was well and truly finished. Shamrock totally disgraced himself and fabricated the sport look bad past continuing on.

Kalib Starnes Demonstrates a New Fighting Style: Run Fu

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    The tour between Kalib Starnes and Nate Quarry is one of the most infamous in mixed martial arts.


    Considering Starnes spent the majority of the "fight" ("farce" would be a more than advisable word) backpedaling and even running away from Quarry.

    The fight disgraced the sport and Starnes himself, who was booted from the system afterwards and hasn't returned since.

UFC Resembles WWE in Nippon

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    What was the disgrace at UFC Nippon?

    Referee John McCarthy made a large fault that made the UFC look similar it was a professional wrestling organization.

    When Kazushi Sakuraba shot for a low takedown after Marcus "Conan" Silveira threw a stinging combination, he mistakenly idea that Sakuraba had been knocked out and chosen off the fight—Silveira was the winner.

    Sakuraba refused to leave the cage in protest, and the result was eventually changed to a no contest when McCarthy saw the footage and realized his mistake.

    Unfortunately, Tank Abbott was unable to go along into the finals afterward defeating Yonji Anjo due to a hand injury.

    Thus, in what seemed similar something out of the playbook of the dullest professional person wrestling author/booker, UFC officials deemed that a rematch betwixt Silveira and Sakuraba would determine who would be the tournament champion.

    Sakuraba went on to defeat Silveira and start a storied career, but the genesis of that career was unfortunately, in a disgrace that fabricated the UFC look bush league.

Kimbo Piece vs. Seth Petruzelli

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    At EliteXC: Heat, brawler and cash-cow Kimbo Piece was supposed to take on Ken Shamrock. Instead, Shamrock got injured on the day of the fight and wasn't allowed to compete.

    Light heavyweight Seth Petruzelli was then taken off the undercard and put on the chief event against Slice, a heavyweight. The result of the bout is one of the nearly well-known in MMA history.

    Petruzelli knocked out slice with an off-balance jab only xiv seconds into the fight, and EliteXC therefore lost its most marketable star. Simply what was revealed after the fight was much worse.

    Yahoo sports publicized a radio interview with Petruzelli in which he basically stated that the promoters enticed him to stand with Kimbo instead of taking him downwardly. The comments about the fight concluded up attracting the attention of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

    Fifty-fifty though they found no show of wrongdoing in EliteXC, the bad press forth with Kimbo Slice being exposed was enough to destroy the company.

The UFC Signs James Toney

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    This one was pretty ridiculous. Plainly, the MMA world forgot what happened when a pure striker met a fighter who could grapple.

    And estimate what?

    Couture took Toney down immediately and submitted him. No point in wasting a spot on the card or even the money it took to pay Toney (which was taken past the IRS anyhow). To brand the result even more of a joke, Toney'south rear-end was visible at the weigh-ins.

    Why was it a disgrace? Bringing in an 0-0 fighter and paying him a hefty bacon to get humiliated is pretty disgraceful.

Bisping vs. Hamill

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    Michael Bisping versus Matt Hamill sticks out as one of the most egregiously bad decisions in the history of the UFC.

    Hamill dominated Bisping throughout the fight yet Bisping was awarded with the split decision victory. The fact that the fight took identify in the Great britain, Bisping's home state, fabricated people heighten an countenance at the questionable conclusion.

    The fight is perhaps the best instance of disgraceful judging in the history of MMA.

The Trial (and Trials) of Chael Sonnen

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    When it was announced that Chael Sonnen would fight Anderson Silva for the UFC middleweight championship, many in the MMA customs laughed. "Nobody tin beat Silva, particularly not Chael Sonnen," everyone said.

    However, for the better part of 23 minutes, they were proven wrong. Chael Sonnen, after weeks of verbal tirades against the champion, managed to deliver on his promises and batter the champion like no i else had earlier getting caught in a last-minute triangle choke.

    Despite the loss, Sonnen was still the human of the hr in the MMA world. Unfortunately, that didn't last for long.

    It was eventually announced that Sonnen's testosterone levels were mode above normal on his mail service-fight drug test. Sonnen was suspended, but he appealed the interruption.

    His trial was highly controversial because the outcome of TRT first came to the fore. Information technology didn't help that Sonnen was already one of the well-nigh controversial figures in the sport; the customs was polarized over him.

    Somewhen, Sonnen was given what amounted to a slap on the wrist, and many MMA fans were angered. Things got worse when Sonnen was defendant of and pled guilty to money laundering, non the sport'southward finest hour.

    Even till this day, fans are rigidly split over Chael Sonnen.

Chuck Liddell on Adept Morn Texas

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    When Chuck Liddell went on Proficient Morning time Texas to promote the flick "300" equally function of a tie in with the UFC, he disgraced the sport worse than it's been disgraced in a long time.

    At the time, Liddell was the face of the company and for him to human action in that fashion (falling asleep, being totally unintelligible, etc.) on television was horrifying to MMA fans. Whoever was in Liddell's retinue who allow him keep television like that should be aback.

Paul Daley Hits Josh Koscheck After the Bell

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    While many would like to have a swing at famed trash talker Josh Koscheck, Paul Daley had 15 minutes to do it at UFC 113 and he couldn't; he was dominated by Koscheck'southward wrestling.

    Instead of shaking Koscheck's manus, Daley decided to go for a fake handshake and a hook to the face. The blow wasn't dissentious, and Koscheck was fine only the sport's image wasn't.

    Daley, in attempting to give a black eye to Koscheck, gave i to the UFC and MMA. He was subsequently kicked out of the UFC and hasn't been seen there since.

Nick Diaz and Joe Riggs Fight in a Hospital

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    After a fight between Nick Diaz and Joe Riggs which saw the latter'south arm raised in victory, a fight broke out betwixt the two men at the hospital later in the dark.

    While not tremendously publicized due to the fact that information technology still took place in the "nighttime age" of the sport, it certainly was a disgrace for the sport.

Nick Diaz Wants To Slap Ariel Helwani

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    Nick Diaz has never been media friendly and that'due south OK. What's not OK is insinuating that you want to slap a member of the media.

    Diaz did just this in an interview with MMAfighting.com's Ariel Helwani before his fight with Paul Daley.

    ee for yourself what a disgrace this interview was.

Nick Diaz Ditches UFC 137 Press Conference, Embarrasses UFC and Himself

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    Noticing a tendency? Nick Diaz didn't show up for the Vegas leg of the UFC 137 press tour after not showing upwards for the Montreal portion. He was therefore removed from his championship fight against Georges St-Pierre and put in a fight against BJ Penn instead.

    Diaz knew what was at stake just chose not to go; he chose not to "play the game." Fifty-fifty his manager, Cesar Gracie, was appalled.

    Diaz toll himself the biggest fight of his life and may have even ruined his whole career! In addition, he fabricated the sport look bad in the light of the contempo FOX deal!

Dana White Uses Anti-Gay Linguistic communication in a Tirade confronting a Reporter

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    In the jump of 2009, UFC president Dana White went on a profanity-laced tirade against MMA journalist Loretta Hunt and an anonymous source she used in an article that criticized the treatment of managers in the UFC.

    The tirade was legendary and unfortunately included an anti-gay slur that the Gay and Lesbian Brotherhood Against Defamation (GLAAD) thought the caput of a major sports arrangement should not exist using.

    GLAAD protested the UFC and eventually got Dana White to apologize for his linguistic communication although he never apologized to Chase herself.

    The whole issue has since been largely forgotten past fans, merely information technology was a huge black middle on the sport when it was going ona full disgrace!

"Motorboat Gate"

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    This one is pretty self-explanatory. Quinton "Rampage" Jackson pretended to "motorboat" reporter Karyn Bryant and a firestorm of controversy erupted, in part due to Jackson's history of being...forward with female reporters (read: humping them).

    Things were fabricated worse when Joe Rogan called Maggie Hendricks, a reporter who harshly criticized Rampage, "cunty" over the famous "Cloak-and-dagger" mixed martial arts forum.

    Eventually, fans settled down, and the sordid event passed on into MMA history. Unfortunately for Rampage, he was part of another incident that disgraced the sport...

Binge's Rampage

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    On July 15th, 2009, Quinton "Binge" Jackson was involved in a hit and run and a subsequent high-speed police chase.

    How did they know it was Rampage? Well for starters, his picture was emblazoned on the side of his monster truck.

    The incident has been forgotten, but when it happened, it was a tremendous embarrassment for MMA.

Frank Mir Hopes Brock Lesnar Dies

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    In February 2010, MMAfighting.com publicized an interview in which Frank Mir stated that he hated Brock Lesnar, "wanted to break his neck in the ring," and wanted "him to exist the first person that dies due to Octagon-related injuries."

    This apparently didn't go over well with the media nor anyone else in MMA since the sport has struggled with the "Just BLEED" prototype it has had since the 90s. Past claiming he wanted a death from Octagon-related injuries, Mir disgraced himself and the sport.

    Thankfully, he apologized for his remarks and whatever possible clamor that could've been caused by the consequence was mitigated.

Kids "Muzzle Fighting" in the UK

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    Recently, there have been numerous (false) reports of kids "cage fighting" in a Britain guild. While the story turned out to exist a gross misrepresentation (the kids were simply grappling), it's still a disgrace for the sport for two reasons.

    Kickoff, the media made the sport expect bad.

    2d, knowledge of MMA isn't as common as fans idea it would be. Apparently the "fastest growing sport in the world" is fallible after all.


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    I of the most predictable matchups in the history of the UFC was the second fight between Georges St-Pierre and B.J. Penn for St-Pierre'southward welterweight title.

    Each man had a legion of devoted fans pulling for them, and when they finally fought, St-Pierre proved also much for Penn, who couldn't answer the bell at the showtime of the 5th circular.

    Only after the fight, B.J. Penn made a startling accusation: St-Pierre was greasing.

    The whole issue created an insane amount of controversy on forums also as in the MMA customs as a whole. When i of the key figures in the sport is defendant of and (essentially) caught cheating, it's bad for the sport and for the community—a disgrace!

The Nashville Brawl

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    Few could accept imagined that Jake Shields would wind upward in another fight just moments later his shocking upset victory over Dan Henderson at Strikeforce: Nashville.

    During Shields' post fight interview, his middleweight rival Jason "Commotion" Miller grabbed the microphone and asked for a rematch.

    What followed was arguably the biggest black heart in the sport'due south history. Miller was shoved by Strikeforce lightweight champion Gilbert Melendez, and so, Strikeforce welterweight champion Nick Diaz threw a dial at Miller.

    A brawl started, and the fighters involved were fined. Strikeforce has not appeared on CBS since, and many cite the brawl every bit the reason for that. There has been nothing that has disgraced the sport more.

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Source: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/865037-mma-25-of-the-biggest-disgraces-in-mma-history

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